VPN - Virtual Private Network (also called tunnel network) allows users to access the AGH network from outside of the AGH Campus.
The VPN connection allows to access content available only within the AGH network, to activate software licenses, and to connect to the student server. However, it does not allow to connect to external resources, which means it is not possible to use services such as the library, publishing houses, etc.
Access is granted by a key and certificate, individually generated for each user, which are valid until the end of the calendar year. It is vital to rememeber about updating your VPN certificate at the beginning of each year. Read more: Updating the AGH VPN certificate.
The VPN connection is available to users having access to the Internet and to the AGH Panel (to access the AGH Panel, you need to own an AGH e-mail account in the @agh.edu.pl or @student.agh.edu.pl domain - read more: AGH e-mail account registration). It is also necessary to have the OpenVPN client installed on your device. Read more: Connecting to the AGH VPN.
The AGH VPN allows to connect to the University Computer Network (UCN) from outside of the AGH Campus. Being connected to the AGH network allows you to access resources which are not available outside of it (such as connecting to the student server via SSH, reading official documents in the AGH Documents system).
Unfortunately, it is not possible to remotely connect to your work computer using the AGH VPN. In order to do that, contact your Local IT Administrator.
The AGH VPN certificate is updated every year, between December and January.
The issue is most likely caused by an out-of-date certificate. Update it: Updating the AGH VPN certificate.
The issue is most likely caused by your internet provider, who is possibly blocking port 1194, which is responsible for the VPN connection.
To verify your AGH VPN connection, go to: http://galaxy4.agh.edu.pl/IP/. If what you see on the screen looks like the examples shown below, your connection has been set up successfully.
Name: --- no dns ---
IP: 10.130. ...*
Name: --- no dns ---
IP: 2001:6d8:10:8210: ...*
(* you should see more numbers in place of "...")